Elders and Deacons


Mission and Vision Statement

We will glorify God through personal holiness, submission, team spirit, and servant-leadership in the church. We will show our love for Him by shepherding the flock, exercising oversight (John 21:15-17; 1 Peter 5:1-5). We shall proclaim the gospel and defend the truth (Matthew 28:19-20; Titus 1:9-11). We will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word; and will be faithful in all things. We will maintain every level of confidentiality.

To accomplish our Mission, we seek to:

1.    Support the doctrinal position of the church, never promoting a contrary teaching.
2.    We will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and take a spiritual approach to ministry, serving in reliance upon God.
3.    We will seek His wisdom and His ways both in our conduct and ministry.
4.    We will not allow our secular employment or ministry outside the church to keep us from our responsibilities.
5.    We will be accountable to the church in our service, accepting counsel and criticism.
6.    We will seek to form a consensus on matters under discussion that we might serve in unity.

Our Values

1.    We must be a builder not destroyer
2.    We must be a gate keeper
3.    We must be captivated by the special purpose of God in your individual life
4.    We must be compassionate (People who care deeply for others)
5.    We must be prayerful and knowledgeable of the word
6.    We must be motivated, dedicated and available
7.    We must be supportive and dependent on each other and the power of the Holy Spirit together towards God’s dynamic spiritual purpose
8.    We must co-exist in unity and harmony
9.    We must intercede with compassion
10.    We must work as a team
11.    We must endear yourself to the work and the well-being of the church
12.    We must show love and loyalty to the congregation and to the church
13.    We must be energized and dedicated to building the Body of Christ
14.    We are peacemakers not troublemakers
15.    We must be aware that we aware operating under guidance of the Shepherd at all times
16.    We must present self well / set excellent examples (spiritually and personally)
(do not be involved in gossips, etc.)

Our Strategic Plan – 2017

Must partner with the Apostle

1.    With worship (To proclaim the Gospel)
2.    In meeting the spiritual needs of the members
3.    With Visitation
4.    With new members follow-up (working with the Evangelism Dept.)
5.    To build and maintain church fellowship
6.    To provide leadership
7.    To understand Apostle and his work
8.    To affirm, support, and enjoy fellowship with Apostle
9.    To Pray with and for the apostle and his family
10.    And make periodic calls to Apostle and his family to express love and concern for wellbeing, etc.
11.    To be prepared at all times
12.    To understand the vision, mission, and statement of faith of ANCFC
13.    To help in all areas of the church (where and when necessary)
14.    To meditate daily on the word of God
15.    To assist in developing and implementing ideas for growth
16.    To maintain fellowship program of prayer and devotion
17.    To establish zoning for visitation assignment
18.    To set-up prayer times, and other programs for growth, etc.